
Your First Session

What to Expect: The First Couples Counseling Session

I know all too well how difficult it can be to make the decision to seek couples counseling. If we aren’t careful, we can allow months or even years of petty arguments to accumulate before working up the courage to make an appointment. The truth is, relationships are hard work! Having a qualified couple’s counselor to help you and your partner along the way is the first step in building a happier healthier dynamic. But what can you expect from your first session?

Couples Therapy Sessions are Quicker than You Think

Each therapy session is normally around 60 minutes; however, you can even schedule a 90-minute session, if you’d like. That way, each partner gets 30 minutes of alone time, where just you and I chat and get to know each other. Then, for the last 30 minutes, we all meet together. It's a win-win option; each person feels "heard" and there’s still enough time to do some teamwork as well.

Whether you choose 60 or 90 minute sessions, take it from me, the first session always flies by! My new clients are always shocked when it’s time to wrap up. Which makes sense! We jam a lot into each session.

Will there be homework?

Short answer, YES! But it’s not anywhere near what you were used to back in school. As much as I would love to be able to tell you we can fix all of your relationship issues in just 60 minutes, that just isn’t realistic! Learning to love yourself and others, can take time. The most successful couples are the ones that are ready to commit! It’s not only about showing up every week with your partner, but there’s also the daily dedication to positive long-lasting changes.

For example, during our couples counseling session we may discover that you are struggling with feelings of self-acceptance. Your homework for this week may be to start off each morning writing down 3 things you're grateful for in your very own “Gratitude Journal." I’ve even recommended books for couples to read in order to strengthen their relationship.

Are you ready?

It’s normal to be a little nervous before your first session! One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to therapy newbies is to take a few minutes before your first session to picture the type of relationship you want to create. Getting hopeful about the future is a great first step in getting ready for your first session and calming any nerves. Once you’re ready to take the plunge, pick up the phone or book your first session online. We’ll be waiting!